There are some things that are better left without the touch of the modern world. Like the Italians say, no technology can make better pasta like they Italians do organically. At some point, they are correct, if you get pasta in America and then taste the pasta in Italy, you will instantly see the difference. The same thing goes with arts. By this, we mean all sorts of arts out there. The people who only paint with brushes and real paints consider painting online as an easy way of getting fame.
Whereas, the digital painters say that even they have to learn all about paint by number kits, kinds of colors and much more. We for sure cannot say that if the online painting or the digital painting is easy or difficult but we do know for sure that each type of art requires a lot of effort and some endless sleepless nights. If you are creative but you don’t have the time to paint via actual brushes and paints then we suggest that you see the latest technology used for arts.
3D Pens: you must have heard about it and even seen videos of it. And it has been inspiring many other fields like architectures, landscapers and many other. Now a days, people are coming up with small fixtures that are done with the help of 3D pen. If you are creative then you will definitely get a hold of this pen within days.
Coming Up with New Colors: there are more than 16 billion colors discovered and with the help of special pens, you can make a color of your own. All you have to do is touch any entity with the nib of the pen and the pen will transfer information in the software and the software will come up with same color within seconds.
Animated Art Work: the world of animation is getting advanced with the speed of light. We can see some amazing games made with this technology. You can come up with your own characters and make a story of your own.
Making New Fonts: there are special pens that enable you to draw on the screen of the laptop or computer and hence, you can create a font style of your own and sell it.